Press Release

Press Release, March 29, 2021:
Inzyon launches its Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR – Monitor, supporting companies’ analysis, measures and activities to comply with the rapidly and ever-increasing volumes of regulatory requirements on the topic of sustainability. It provides a combination of near-real-time global Sustainability Intelligence with tools for hands on analysis and reporting for increased compliance and competitiveness.
“With the CSR Monitor we aim at supporting companies’ management teams to keep up with, act upon, and utilize the competitive edges enabled by the developing frameworks of sustainability. We are proud to provide a tool for industry that will contribute to a gradually increased fulfilment of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals”, says Gabriel Anderbjörk, CEO of Inzyon and continues, “By adding the CSR monitor to our already existing services, the Sustainability Classification Framework and the ESG monitor, we now cover the entire field of sustainability compliance, from financial market actors to industry operations management, with identical information models, thereby enabling coherent communications and reporting structures through the entire chain.”
Background – why is this needed?
Companies, in particular listed Companies, are rapidly becoming subject to harsh requirements on sustainability compliance, not only on Climate Action matters, as many believe, but on the full scale of UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Regulators such a ESMA (European Securities and Market Authority) and UN backed bodies such as PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) have adopted a “follow the money approach” by putting severe requirements on the financial industry that is rapidly spilling over on any listed, and later unlisted, companies, seeking funding of any kind.
The EU regulation 2019/2088 (the SDFR – Sustainability Finance Disclosure Regulation) with its PAI (Principal adverse Impact) measures, the EU TEG taxonomy with its DNSH (Doing No Significant Harm) factors and the NFRD (the Non-Financial Reporting Directive 2014/95/EU, that is in the process of being updated) are three of the currently most discussed frameworks, gradually being put into effect during 2021. The challenge is that few, if any, today have clear views on how these regulations are to be implemented, even if they are rapidly coming into force.
Further, the days when Green Bonds was a novelty is rapidly becoming history and the requirements for green bonds are already now rather a basic hygiene factor for a financial commitment. The EU GBS (Green Bond Standard) is also more stringent than existing CBI (Climate Bonds Initiative) and GBP (Green Bond Principles).
For investee companies, Companies that are listed or seeking funding on Financial Markets, this is already a major challenge that many might not even yet have identified and if they have, probably still are seeking answers to how to address in a cost-efficient way (including the severely rising costs of financing that will be the inevitable result of non-actions).
Taking action is today not an if-question, it is a how-question and Inzyon CSR Monitor is a tool to support such actions.
Our customers
Inzyon’s CSR monitor is directly targeted at all companies globally that are already, knowingly or unknowingly, subject to regulations on compliance regarding sustainable operations. Based on near real time news, narrative data and other unstructured information, Inzyon’s CSR monitor enables competitive advantages as insights on developing CSR requirements, strategies and performance can be spotted at the earliest possible occasion.
Customers of the CSR monitor are also enabled to undertake internal logging, reporting and knowledge sharing for the purpose of development and external regulatory compliance reporting.
Technical aspects
Inzyon CSR Monitor is a for purpose configured, automated, SaaS-application for monitoring, analysing and acting upon CSR related matters. Although customers’ off the shelf starting configuration only differs with regards to their own industry and business environment, each customer can then configure algorithms and sources to increase their own competitive advantage in their CSR deployment strategy.
The CSR monitor uses applicable parts of Inzyon’s Sustainability Classification Framework.
See Press Release on Cision here.
For further information on the CSR monitor, please visit Inzyon CSR monitor or mail to