Inzyon Alerts
Inzyon Alerts are e-mail services based on Inzyon’s existing palette of Trackers. Each Tracker has one pre-set general (non-personalized) alert that is also separately procurable on a monthly subscription basis by non-Tracker subscribers.
The Alerts are based on the same context-based classification algorithms and Machine Learning elements that makes the precision in the filtering of the trackers so unique.
Inzyon Alerts are subscription based only. No set-up fees, no customized configurations, just really filtered and to the point alerts to your inbox every morning at 09.00 CET.
Inzyon Alerts are available in a range of business and regulatory dimensions. Contact us and let us know in which business context you would like to be an Alerts subscriber and we will be more than happy to do what we can to accommodate your needs.
Inzyon Monitors
Inzyon Monitors is a family of full-scale, pre-configured, Insights Environments. They are customer configurable and at the same time multitenant in their respective subject matter focus.
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Inzyon Trackers
Inzyon Trackers gather, classify, and visualize unstructured content from a large range of public sources, including authorities and NGO’s. These are rapid insights, alerting and analysis environments for individual use and fast content sharing.
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Inzyon Alerts
Inzyon Alerts are e-mail or RSS services by which customers can subscribe to AI and algorithm-based feeds out of any of the Trackers currently in operation without having access to the Tracker tools and interface.
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