
by | Apr 2, 2019

On May 23rd, 2019, Inzyon CEO Gabriel Anderbjörk will participate in Perfect Information Conference panel on Process Automation and Vendor Collaboration

On May 23rd, Inzyon CEO Gabriel Anderbjörk will, in cooperation with analyst firm Jinfo and software vendor partner Comintelli, host a Think Tank round table discussion on the theme of software development processes. The round table session will be followed by a panel discussion with the theme “Process Automation and Vendor Collaboration – Mapping the Product Roadmap”.


From the conference program:

Buyers naturally make requests of their suppliers for content, technology features, licensing options and more. Suppliers manage these inbound requests, along with their own vision for product development, and enhance their offerings all the time. But buyers do not always understand this process – how requests and feedback are analysed, compared with business priorities, or impact costs. During this session, two suppliers will share their development processes and speak to the challenges inherent in designing and delivering valuable products. They will also use the results of their Think Tank discussions to reflect on what buyers may misunderstand about the pressures they face. Throughout the session, we will focus on ways buyers and suppliers can collaborate more effectively on product roadmap.


For further information on the full event, see: http://www.pic2019.greydogevents.com/